About CoveredGeekly

CoveredGeekly is a pop culture-leading entertainment news and media outlet that covers the latest stories and exclusives that people care about most. CoveredGeekly reaches 500K to 1M+ monthly unique visitors on coveredgeekly.com, over 50 million people on Facebook monthly, and has over 250K followers across several platforms.

Founded by EIC Alex Duthie as a YouTube and Instagram outlet, CoveredGeekly.com was later launched officially in 2022 and quickly became an environment for multiple talented journalists and writers from various corners of the globe such as the United Kingdom, United States, and India.

CoveredGeekly provides daily informative news articles that our audience can either read here directly or on any of our main social media profiles. Coverage from the CoveredGeekly team includes breaking news, exclusives, celebrity interviews, reviews in TV & film, original features, engaging content such as quizzes & lists, and more.

The Team

Alex Duthie

Alex Duthie

Founder, Editor-in-Chief


Natalie Duthie

Natalie Duthie

Social & Content Manager


Shashwat Tiwary

Shashwat Tiwary

Senior Writer, Graphic Designer


Vinay Sharma

Vinay Sharma

Senior Writer

Christopher Gallardo

Christopher Gallardo

Writer, Interviewer

Christopher Mills

Christopher Mills

Writer, Interviewer